Table 1: List of hypotheses tested using the structural equation model.

H0: Agitation propensity has no correlation with Teager energy scores.
H0: Agitation propensity has no correlation with physically aggressive behavior score of CMAI scale.
H0: Agitation propensity has no correlation with physically non-aggressive behavior score of CMAI scale.
H0: Agitation propensity has no correlation with a verbally aggressive behavior score of CMAI scale.
H0: Agitation propensity has no correlation with sleeping disturbances in PWD.
H0: Agitation propensity has no correlation with sleeping disturbances in PWD.
H0: Caregiver disempowerment has no correlation with caregiver self-efficacy.
H0: Caregiver disempowerment has no correlation with caregiver burden.
H0: Caregiver disempowerment has no correlation with caregiver depression.
H0: Temperature has no correlation with the environmental factor.
H0: Light has no correlation with the environmental factor.
H0: Noise has no correlation with the environmental factor.