Table 1: Description of pottery samples.

Sample code SNM* Location Typology
Fabric Colour Polishing Raw materials Type of factory Decoration Pottery part
MER-01 9984* Abu Geili Meroitic very fine, smooth dense paste Colour: Light white Very soft and fine Kaolinite Made by wheel Painting with brown lines and light brown circle Body
MER-02 2941* Royal city Meroitic dark utility Black Soft and fine Nile valley clay Made by wheel Straight lines with tringles which filled by dotted lines Rim
MER-03 2928* Kawa Meroitic very fine, smooth dense paste Colour: Light tan brown/red Very soft Kaolinite Made by wheel Painted man sherd Body
MER-04 2868* Royal city Meroitic red-brown utility Red Soft Nile valley clay Made by wheel Undecorated Rim
MER-05 2924* Royal city Meroitic very fine, smooth dense paste Colour: white/red Soft Nile valley clay Made by wheel Painting red line with circle. And irregularly black stamp Rim
MER-06 28681* Royal city Meroitic red-brown utility Tan to worm red-brown Medium fine as slightly porous. Medium hard Nile valley clay Made by wheel Decorate by dotted parallel lines Rim

*ID assort archaeological artefacts in National Corporation for antiquities and Museums, Sudan.