Table 1:Compounds detected in the analysed archaeological potteries, FT-IR peak wave numbers and assignments.

Compound Peak wave numbers (cm-1) Vibrational assignment References
In this study literature
CaCO3 1420; 1423 1435-1404 Asymmetric CO32- stretching of CaCO3 [8,10,50,51]
870; 873; 874; 874-879 Asymmetric CO32- bending of CaCO3 [8,10,50,51]
712; 716 710-714 Symmetric deformation of CO32- of CaCO3 [10,50,51]
Silicates 1004; 1032; 1034; 1039 1003-1041 Si-O stretching [52,53]
464; 467 465-479 Si-O-Si deformation [52]
1634; 1644 1630-1653 OH deformation of water [52]
3620 3619-3625 OH stretching of structural hydroxyl groups [52,53]
3690 3689-3696 OH stretching of structural hydroxyl groups of kaolinites [52]
Quartz 1080 1074-1086 Si-O stretching of quartz [8,54]
796; 799 798-794 Si-O stretching of quartz [8,10]
766; 773 776-781 Si-O stretching of quartz [8,10,55]
Iron oxides 520 577 [55]
Kaolinites 1030 1036-1027 in-plane Si-O stretching [52,53]
1009 1011-1004 in-plane Si-O stretching [52,53]
912 912-915 OH deformation of inner hydroxyl groups [52,53]
Lipids 1726; 1728; 1734 1751-1713 Ester C = O stretching [56-60]
2926; 2927 2925-2928 Aliphatic CH2 asym. stretching [10,61]
2854; 2855 2854-2856 Aliphatic CH2 sym. stretching [10,61]
Oils 1743 1743-1747 Ester C = O stretching [10,61]
1457 1461-1465 Asym. bending of aliphatic CH3 and CH2 groups [10,25,49, 61]
1244 1236-1244 C-O stretching [61]
1162 1164-1170 C-O stretching [61]
Vegetable resins 2927 2922-2926 -CH2/-CH3 stretching [8,25,48]
2854 2848-2869 -CH2/-CH3 stretching [8,25,48]
1699 1694-1726 C=O (stretching) in carboxylic acids/ester [25,48]
Pitch 1716 1710-1730 ketone group as part of a ring structure [7,8,62]
Proteins 1650 1650 C=O (stretch) - Amide I band [9,63,64]
1543 1500-1565 out-of-phase combination of the NH in plane bending and the CN stretching vibration - Amide II band [9,63,64]
1458 1200-1450 in-phase combination of the NH bending and the CN stretching vibration - Amide III [60,63]
Absorbed water (free) 3420; 3428 3420-3445 H-O-H stretching [54,65]
1630; 1640 1620-1642 H-O-H bending [54,55,65]